Build Freelancer Clone And Transform Your Dreams Into Reality
Hire or start working from any country in a matter of seconds with an avant-garde app like Freelancer. With a single platform, you can serve your users well by providing them with what they need. If building a freelancing app has always been your dream, Appdupe is the best place for you. Being one of the pioneers in developing mobile clone apps, our Freelancer Clone App supports multiple platforms including iOS, Android and Web. With a multi-functional admin dashboard and advanced features, you can come up with the best freelancing app in no-time.
Why develop
An App Like Freelancer?
If you were ever interested in Freelancer clone app development, you must have also wondered why you should develop such an app. Well, creating such a clone app has immense potential in generating massive revenue, especially if you are starting a venture. Not to mention the fact that it will be a boon for both freelancers and employers. Appdupe’s solution will benefit you in many ways.
Pocket-friendly solution
Customized services for your users
High product scalability

Unshakeable Freelancer Clone App Features

View Freelancer Profile In a single tap, search for skilled freelancers online with an all-in-one profile having all details from work history, relevant skills, project details to ratings and reviews.

Reviews & Ratings Value your freelancers and let your employers rate their performance. Provide the necessary reviews and feedback with Appdupe’s app like Freelancer.

Search projects Based on certain set algorithms, employers can enjoy numerous features while hunting for projects that include marking of favourite projects, search filters and getting bids.

Private Messaging Message your service providers about the assigned projects at any stage for discussing details like deadlines or working hours.

Payment Gateways and wallets Enable a flawless payment process with multiple payment gateways and payment methods such as Netbanking, e-wallets etc. for your freelancers and employers.

Push Notifications The Freelancer alternative lets the service seekers easily send invitations to the best freelancers available and get notified by them for accepting or denying projects. If the employers find any issues, they can report the projects or freelancers as ‘spam’.

Dynamic Profile Maximize your chances to get invited by employers and get the best bids on projects. Update profile details by mentioning all relevant information from work history and skill set to repositories of completed projects in the Freelancer Clone Script.

Project Details and Stages Customers can post or accept/decline projects. Even viewing the progress of each stage of the assigned projects can be done easily.

Search Employers From filtering the best employers in the market to marking favourite service seekers, freelancers can search for employers from any place at any time.

File Attachments Be it, freelancers or employers, both of them can share work-experience related documents or different files for the projects and communicate freely with each other.

Social Media Integration With Appdupe’s Freelancer clone app integrated with social media platforms like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn etc., freelancers can display their authentic profiles on the platform.

Push Notifications Enjoy timely updates regarding important events with this feature. Freelancers can also report any employer or assigned project as ‘spam’ or inform the admin about any issues faced by them.

Attractive Admin Dashboard Bless your admins with a user-friendly multi-functional dashboard and full data representation to help them monitor all the activities of freelancers as well as employers.

Statistics and Analytics With a variety of detailed analytics, statistics, and charts, admins can easily keep track of everything that customers and employers do including authenticity of profiles and thorough data analysis.

User Management Admins can manage freelancers and employers, whoever has signed up on the Freelancer clone app. They can also manage the skill-set according to the project requirements with our Freelancer Alternative.

Dispute Handling Manage disputes efficiently with a dispute handling system between freelancers and employers. Admins can resolve the same as per service policy.

Account Verification Admins can verify accounts of employers and freelancers. Verification can also be done with social media integration via Facebook, GooglePlus and LinkedIn accounts.

Escrow /Wallets commission Manage the escrow commissions paid by the employers and freelancers easily as per the commission percentage set by the admin.
View Demo
Want to know how your app like Freelancer will look like and function? Check out our interactive demos and get a taste of all the functionalities with a wide range of features.
App Demo
Web Demo
User Name : [email protected]
Password : 123456 -
User Name : [email protected]
Password : 123456
Pricing Package
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- Manage Commission Settings Based on levels
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- Manage Payoneer Settings
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- View/Manage Plugins
- Proposals/Services Management
- Manage Proposal Approval/Decline
- Manage Accounting
- View/Manage Payouts Status
- Manage Order Reports
- Manage Message Reports
- Manage Proposal Reports
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- View/Manage Slides
- View/Manage Terms & Conditions
- Users Management
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- View/Manage Referrals
- View/Manage Proposed Proposals
- View/Manage Proposal Files
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- Manage Knowledge Bank
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- View Promotional Banners
- Manage Account
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- Dashboard
- View Order Statistics
- Filter Categories/Delivery Time/Seller Level/Seller Language
- View/Request Proposals
- View/Request Featured Proposals/Services
- View/Request Top Proposals/Services
- View/Request Random Proposals/Services
- Become a Seller
- Create a Proposal
- Manage Proposal Pricing
- Manage Proposal Requirements
- Manage Featured Proposal
- View/Manage Proposals
- Manage Proposal Modification
- Manage Proposal Revision
- Manage Vacation Mode
- View Recent Buyer Requests
- Manage Coupon
- Manage Requests
- Manage Contacts
- Receive Offers
- Manage Order Summary
- Manage Purchases
- Manage Payment
- Revenue Management
- Wallet Management
- Manage Withdraw Requests
- Manage Referrals
- Profile Management
- Mange Skills/Languages
- Manage Profile Settings
- Manage Account Settings
Why go for Appdupe’s Freelancer Clone?

Mobile Apps White-labelled readymade solutions with easy-to-use Android and iOS mobile apps having an attractive user interface, state-of-the-art features and built-in native source code for seamless execution.

Web Apps Advanced and fully-customizable website with a smooth user interface to provide a comfortable experience to users for logging in, creating profiles and contacting employers or freelancers.

Robust Admin Dashboard A powerful multipurpose dashboard for admins to check and manage all the activities from authenticating profiles of users and commission distribution to monitoring app functionalities.

100% Customizable Our Freelancer Clone Script comes with a myriad of options to choose from and transform the entire look of your app with add-on support and full documentation of the app's code.

Multiple Payment Gateways Integration of multi-payment system including countless payment gateways with options like net banking, debit/credit cards, e-wallets etc. for both the users i.e. freelancers and employers.