Massage apps are gradually occupying a firm place in the on-demand service market ; Scope and development
Author On-Demand Massage App, Uber for Massage
Imagine the situation where your phone runs out of charge? What do you do? You immediately recharge it. Likewise, along with our everyday chores and demands we face, it is only normal that we feel drained and exhausted. We need to rejuvenate ourselves from time to time.
It is to be noted that ‘Massage is not a luxury; it’s a way to a happier and healthier life.’ Massage services have been existing for a long time. The massage service industry amounts to about $15.8 billion as of 2020.
With more and more people moving towards highly mindful things like clean eating, body healing, and much more, massages, which are also a way for the body to be pampered and enriched, are sought after readily by more people.
Wellness centers and holistic development organizations are eyeing on developing a platform to provide services to ease the people. Not only are people willing to avail of such services, but they are also willing to spend a considerable sum of money.
What if you can be a part of this golden market? You can fetch good profits and run a holistic wellness-based business. But how do you do it according to the evolving trends and situational demands? You can develop an On-demand Massage App Like Uber.
What is the scope of running an app-based business like Uber for massage?
As we discussed before, people are willing to take up services for holistic wellness. But with enduring work from home and balancing other chores, do people have the time? No.
The uber for massage app lets you book a masseuse who can provide you massage services at the comfort of your place.
It is a highly comfortable way for the masseuse to provide massaging services because they are paid per services, and they can also work as per their schedule. An hour of massage session costs somewhere around $100. Thus the masseuse gets paid a fair amount of money, and you can also benefit by integrating a good revenue system.
Wellness centers like behavioral clinics, beauty parlors, gyms, and much more can use the Uber for massage apps in pampering the clients and enhancing their mood. This will help boost up their business and provide valuable services to the customers.
So how do you move on in developing the on-demand massage app for your business?
Analyze the market and target audience
You need to initially analyze the market to know the target audience to aim. The on-demand massage app seems to have high users in the US. Also, analyze the competitors like Zeel, Soothe, Massago, and get intuitive ideas for your app.
Likewise, analyze the target audience who are already availing massage services in traditional ways. You can aim to persuade them to use your app and avail massage services easily. You also need to look for potential customers who you can target using the marketing of your app.
Different services
Be willing to provide different kinds of massage services to your clients, which will attract attention to your service.
Few different types of massage services that you can offer are
Swedish Massage | Prenatal massage | Aromatherapy massage |
Deep tissue massage | Work de-stress massage | Shiatsu massage |
Sports rehabilitation massage | Hot-stone massage | Trigger point massage |
Couples therapy massage | Thai massage | Ayurvedic massage |
Build a workforce
To provide different kinds of services, you need different types of masseuse specializing in each service. The masseuses should be authentic and experienced. You need to take care to verify the masseuse when they register in the app and see for their valid identity and experience in providing the massage services.
Build the on-demand massage service app
After you analyze the market, you need to approach an On-demand Massage App Development Company to build your massage app. At Appdupe, we understand our client’s requirements are we are keen to provide the best for you.
We help develop a white-labeled Uber for massage app, and we can move about customizing your app according to your likes.
Our massage app development is scalable, and we offer turnkey solutions. We help build apps that will be suitable on both iOS and Android platforms.
Once the app is all set, we test it and put it through a rigorous debugging process before launching it in the market.
How does your Uber for massage app work?
Sign up and login
The user logs into the app and provides details like contact information and address and creates a profile.
Search for masseuse
Users can search for a masseuse based on the kind of massage they would like to avail.
Users can use a filter-based search from the extensive list of masseuses to narrow down on the masseuse they would like to get service from.
View masseuse’s profile
Users can view the masseuses’ profile and get to know their experience, specialty, reviews, and decide to hire them.
Book for service
After the users decide on the masseuse, they can request for service, which will be notified to the masseuse, and they can accept the request if they are available.
Contact details
Once the masseuse accepts the service request, the client’s contact information is generated in their app and vise versa.
Gps navigation
The GPS feature in the app enables the masseuse to navigate to the user’s location and they arrive at the user’s place at the scheduled time.
The payment is estimated based on the kind of massage service and the duration. After availing ofthe massage service, the users can pay the masseuse.
After availing of the service, the client can rate it, which will be updated in the app for other users to see. This also gives the admin of the app an idea about the massage therapists registered with the app.
Wrapping up
With the advent of clone apps, app development is not as strenuous as it used to be. We at Appdupe will help you launch an excellent Uber for massage app, and you can provide flawless pampering services for your users.
Looking to launch your on-demand massage service app?

Marketing is my soul mate and writing is my side kick. Using my writing skills to share the knowledge of app development and upcoming technologies.