WhatsApp is now currently the top Instant Messaging apps with cutthroat competition with Telegram, SnapChat and much more. Instant Messengers came as a saviour when normal texting got a tad boring. The whole game of texting has been changed with the advent of IM apps. WhatsApp with almost 900 million monthly active users has some underlying important features that should be added while creating an IM app like WhatsApp.
The below list of features are must haves and you can also integrate some novel ideas if you have them into your IM. Just to be sure, make your IM app a free one to use for you to garner a large customer base and keep faith in the word-of the mouth marketing to happen.
Seamless Message Exchange
Sending of messages back and forth in an IM may seem like the obvious, it is little more complicated than it seems. Store your conversations to a certain limit and have the conversations in case the user gets logged in with another number. WhatsApp doesn’t store the message on the server so it’s much easier to carry on with the load of storing the messages. Saves a lot of hassles when storing outdated messages for so long.
Group Chats
You alone would know how many group chats you are in. Group chats are lifesavers when it comes to sending a single message to 20 or so people. This feature is useful in office environment where a team can be in a single group and send messages back and forth.
Push Notifications
This tiny feature is important to inform users about the new message and calls they have received when they are offline. These notifications are useful when the users have to check the number of messages they have received.
Media Files
Sending a media file to others like PDF, word, Audio or Video can be saviours in situations where the sender needs to send a file but is wary to type out a mail. This feature is a must have in any IM as WhatsApp have integrated this feature and your new customer will expect you to integrate in your app as well.
Location Sharing
This feature is helpful in situations to reach a certain place like meetings or a new place you don’t know about. Geolocation and Google Maps are integrated into it. You can also boom your business with location sharing to your customers who are new to your venture.
Encryption and Security
Security and Encryption goes hand to hand in IM apps. WhatsApp contains end-to-end encryption that encrypts the messages on the sender’s and receiver’s phone itself and decrypts vice-versa. You can integrate some form of security and encryption without causing much hassle to user.
Self-Destructing Messages
The Self-Destructing messages are one form of security where older messages in the IM gets automatically destroyed after certain time limit. This feature can garner a large user base if its integrated in your IM app.
In-App and Video Calling
Say literal goodbye to normal calls. Integrate In-app calling both audio and video calls in your IM app. The quality of the calls should be good and crystal clear for the user to use it seamlessly and without any hassles.
Instant Messengers are not just a hype or bubble for it to fade away. It is real, it is here. You can make the best of it. Despite the fierce competition in the market it is possible for you to make a stand and carve a niche for yourself. Have a novel idea and integrate it with ease. If you have an idea, then go to AppDupe. They provide WhatsApp clone script which contains all the features in it and you can integrate your own specification all under reasonable prices.
Marketing is my soul mate and writing is my side kick. Using my writing skills to share the knowledge of app development and upcoming technologies.
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