Category: On-Demand Massage App

How to build an On-Demand Massage app like Soothe App?

  • October 31, 2020

Technologies have made our lives easier. People are looking for the most simplistic ways to get the services done as per their needs. On-demand services

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Massage apps are gradually occupying a firm place in the on-demand service market ; Scope and development

  • September 17, 2020

Imagine the situation where your phone runs out of charge? What do you do? You immediately recharge it. Likewise, along with our everyday chores and

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How to be successful in developing a top-notch massage therapist app?

  • August 31, 2020

The on-demand service sector is expanding with each passing day. According to Burson-Marsteller’s press release, 42% of the adult population in

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Uber For Massage

Keep up with the Industry using an On-Demand Massage App

  • December 24, 2018

The massage industry has advanced considerably over the past few years.  It is evident from its current progress that this service will not wither

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