A Simple Guide to Develop Your Own On-demand Handyman Home Services App
- December 4, 2019
Every on-demand service is available at your fingertips now. Only a few years back, services such as food delivery, ride-hailing, etc. were introduced.
Read moreTop 8 Mobile App Business Ideas That Entrepreneurs Can Invest & Earn Huge Profits In 2020
- November 27, 2019
Just a month more to go, and we shall welcome not only a new year but a new decade as well. The year 2019 has been a great year for mobile applications.
Read moreStarting up an On-demand service app like Gojek: Complete guide for entrepreneurs
- November 16, 2019
Several service industries have taken to smartphone applications for providing their products and services to consumers. The imminent transformation
Read moreAmazon considers investing in Indonesian ride-hailing giant Gojek
- September 13, 2019
Gojek, the ride-hailing giant is currently working to raise $2 billion in its ongoing series F fundraiser before the year-end. The company planned it
Read moreAmazon is Valuing Gojek at $10 Billion, You can be Next!
- August 30, 2019
American E-commerce Legend, Amazon and Indonesian Multiservice Goliath, Gojek are in the limelight right now. Both caught the media’s attention as
Read moreWhy Developing an App Like GoJek is Profitable – Insights to Consider
- August 9, 2019
As we all know, there is no end for innovation. A decade ago, it was Uber who introduced the concept of on-demand services. But today, due to technology
Read moreHow bright is the opportunity for starting a business like Gojek?
- July 11, 2019
For the last eight years, Go-Jek has thronged the market. It thrived because it chose the right region which required its unique on-demand services.
Read moreStand Out From Your Competitors With An App Like Gojek
- June 14, 2019
In this world, where there is plenty of demand and supply is fragmented, connecting these two in an efficient way would be amazing. The way of bringing
Read moreWhat’s all the noise about Go-Mall and Go-News?
- May 13, 2019
Ever since the arrival of super apps like Gojek and WeChat, the on-demand market is thriving with profit and its customer base is expanding. Super apps
Read moreOn-demand Platforms and Multi-Service Apps
- April 17, 2019
There are people who have perfectly drafted ideas for their startups and then there are a few who are still searching for ideas to launch a startup.
Read moreHow Push Notifications Help in a Gojek Clone App
- February 26, 2019
Imagine a single app that integrates a variety of on-demand services – that is necessarily the Gojek clone app. Entrepreneurs worldwide are weighing
Read moreEverything you need to know about Gojek clone
- February 21, 2019
What is Gojek Clone? Gojek, a multi-service app is based in Indonesia that majorly offers ride-hailing and delivery services. Gojek clone is a replica
Read moreBuilding an App like GoJek!
- February 14, 2019
Anybody with an entrepreneurial ambition and a dream of starting a business like Gojek can have answers to their questions in this blog. If you’re
Read moreAn app for all intents and purposes – AppDupe
- January 31, 2019
Gojek, the all-in-one super app has a wide reach across South East Asian countries. By providing a solution for the daily consumer, it has earned its
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